by Gloria Romero
When Florida’s parent trigger bill sadly failed on a 20-20 vote in the Senate last Friday, parents in the state’s worst performing schools lost an opportunity to change their schools, their lives, and their children’s lives for the better.
The debate seemed to turn mysteriously on fears of privatization through charter schools, even though converting the school to a charter was only one of four options parents could have elected under the legislation. Given that Florida already has many charter schools, I find it baffling why allowing parents access to this option was so threatening to the education establishment.
Fortunately, Florida still has options for parents who want to leave a failing school, but the demand for options such as a tax credit scholarship or a charter school exceeds the supply. To a large degree, though, these kinds of options are not really the point of parent trigger legislation. For most families, the ideal situation is a high-quality neighborhood school. This is particularly true for low-income families that struggle with juggling multiple jobs, child care and transportation.
If we believe that strong families, parents and neighborhoods are at the heart of American society, Florida just lost a precious opportunity to empower revitalization. No neighborhood is truly successful if its schools don’t work. The traditional education model strips away the authority of parents to do much about these schools when it simply assigns children to schools according to zip code. But because education is such a fundamental part of life, stripping away this power and authority has implications far beyond just education. It robs parents and families of a feeling that they have influence more broadly on their community.
That’s why parent trigger legislation is so important.
It restores the ability for parents to organize, collaborate, discuss and take meaningful and purposeful actions to improve their lives. Being able to influence directly how their children are educated and feeling responsible in a substantive way for the outcomes is transformative.
I fear what we witnessed Friday in Florida is the status quo fighting back against a reduction of their authority over families and parents. Let’s be frank: To every other part of public education, children function as a debit card — directly bringing in the cold, hard cash that keeps their jobs in place. Despite all the apparent concern about privatizing Florida schools, parents are the only group in public education without a financial conflict of interest. They just want what is best for their children and what will open the greatest access to the American Dream.
I wrote the nation’s first parent trigger law in California. I acted because I was frustrated with the lack of any urgency in turning around chronically underperforming and failing schools. As a Democratic senator, I was sick and tired of the status quo education interests dictating education policy — and of too many of my colleagues timidly succumbing to powerful political interests. Florida just demonstrated legislators can succumb on a bipartisan basis.
Nevertheless, I am confident this is not the final word on the parent trigger in Florida. Just look around the country at how parents are standing up, sadly in some cases even going to jail, for the right to educate their children. A Connecticut mother led the movement to pass the country’s second Parent Trigger Act. Parental empowerment groups may have made their first splash in the water in California, but they are appearing across the nation at an increasing pace, demanding to reclaim the authority and responsibility for their children’s education.
This is only a temporary setback.
Former California State Sen. Gloria Romero is the California state director of Democrats for Education Reform. In the senate, she was elected by her peers to serve as Senate Democratic Caucus Chair and as Senate Majority Leader—the first woman to ever hold that leadership position in the history of the California State Senate. She serves on the board of directors for The American Center for School Choice.
Parents in Florida won a crucial and hard-fought victory on Friday. You’re right that Florida already has many charter schools — that’s why you’re baffled about the core issue. You see
real parents understand what real engagement looks like, and it’s not the trigger.
Parents do want high quality neighborhood schools. That’s why they turned out in force to stop this terrible bill. It’s time for Florida to stop listening to detached reformers and pay heed to parents invested in their community schools.
Empowered parents defended their schools and communities against outsiders seeking to impose an agenda with little regard for what Floridians actually want. The Parent Trigger is simply a throw-away one-time use of parents. There’s nothing empowering about it once the trigger is pulled.
Schools belong to communities. In Florida, and many other states, parents of school-age children represent a small minority of taxpayer-voters (usually less than 25%). The trigger places valuable public resources in the hands of outside organizers to benefit their interests. Decisions about neighborhood schools belong to the neighborhood – parents and elected officials and non-parent taxpayers.
The parent trigger is utterly unnecessary for parents to organize, collaborate and take a meaningful role: that was proven definitively on Friday. That action was substantive and transformative. That’s what empowerment and engagement look like, for your information.
What you did in California was a Trojan horse slipped through a legislature in a panic to pass a Race to the Top bill under cover of the holidays. Your benefactors armed you well and took advantage of the timing. Many of your colleagues are appalled by the outcome and have privately expressed dismay that they did not perform due diligence by preventing the trigger from ever reaching the floor.
Florida just demonstrated that a bipartisan effort to actually listen to constituents can stop bad legislation from moving forward.
What we saw on Friday was the result of empowered parents reclaiming authority and responsibility for their children’s education.
Beatrice: Brava.
As for Romero writing the first trigger law, pretty sure that was not her handiwork, given her struggles to define and defend it during the hearings. Ed Lucia (EdVoice – reformer funded) had all the talking points. Parents had nothing – zip, nada, bupkis – to do with California’s trigger bill.
Thank you Beatrice , well said !! Parent trigger will only serve those looking to make a profit, and not educate our kids in the end! I think everyone needs to examine a law like this and its implications, we did and thats why we as Parents and Educators along with PTA and FEA fought so hard to defeat it! There are powers at work here like Jeb Bush and Company along with Parent revolution , who seek out low performing schools and their parents and deceitfully persuade them to sign petitions to turn their school into a privately run charter school which is then entitled to public school as well as title one funds. There is plenty of money being made off the backs of all of our children especially low income kids and their unsuspecting parents : (
“I wrote the nation’s first parent trigger law in California.” — Ms. Romero really means American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) wrote the charter trigger law and she put her name on it.
This is no different than the myriad bills the California Charter Schools Association provided her with to do the same. Where the mendacious Romero talks about parents and children she really means charter executives and their deep pocketed lobbyists.
Romero’s bio above forgets to mention her honorary membership in the John Birch Society, as evidenced by her connections to the Koret Foundation and Hoover Institution.
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[…] “I wrote the nation’s first parent trigger law in California.” — Sen. (Ret) Gloria J. Romero […]